Lefty Soapbox

Friday, April 30, 2004

The Onion is spot on, as usual.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

I am so Effing depressed right now 
I like to consider myself an informed person. I like reading/watching/listening to news. I like knowing what's going on in the world.

I wish I was totally ignorant about it all right now.

With everything this damn administration is doing to this country....I have almost burst into tears at least a dozen times this past week.

I hate that I am starting to wish I lived in Canada.

I love America and living in America more than anything...yet I am starting to actually dislike it here. Not because of the country itself. Oh no. America is the single greatest country in the world. Yet America under George is worse than America was under that last George, who was eventually declared INSANE. Maybe this one will be also?

This man has single handedly begun the destruction of the homeland.

God Damn him.


How come, when over a million terrorists descend upon our nation's capitol, the Administration does nothing? Oh, well, I guess disguised hate speech from Hurricane Karen is a pretty good start. That seems to be the preferred method of attack when it comes to domestic terror fronts...

Wednesday, April 21, 2004


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

One thing that's funny, one thing that's not 
So I was listening to NPR this morning, and Bob Woodward was on, talking about his new book, Plan of Attack. He was asked about a discrepancy between something he wrote in his book and something the President said. In the book, Woodward reported that the President told him that on November 22, 2001, he started serious planning for the war on Iraq. Now, in March of 2002, the President is recorded in a speech saying there are NO war plans on his desk, and that the diplomatic process must be given a chance. So either Bush is LYING (which is obviously not possible at all), or we accept Woodward's take on the matter. He said that technically it was true, because he's never seen ANYTHING on the President's desk. It's always empty.

Does he ever actually do anything? He really is incompetent.

Now the thing that pissed me off. When asked how history would judge the Iraq war, Bush responded that it doesn't matter because we'd all be dead.


He doesn't care about the consequences of his actions at all. Same thing with the debt. He's only going to be in office for 2 terms (according to him) so as long as he pretends to care about the debt but doesn't actually do anything he won't be held accountable.

What a ho bag.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

"We've got tough work there because, you see, there are terrorists there who would rather kill innocent people than allow for the advance of freedom," Bush said in a speech in El Dorado, Ark. "That's what you're seeing going on. These people hate freedom. And we love freedom. And that's where the clash occurs."

Ooooh. So THAT's what this is all about....
Doesn't that sound like a line from a sixth graders social studies report?


Friday, April 09, 2004

One of my favorite holidays 
I'd like to take time away from politics to talk about something that is very important to me.


Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. If you haven't been to an Easter celebration, and I mean a real Easter celebration, you are missing one of the most glorious experiences a person can witness. Despite what many people think, it's not about candy. It's not about the Easter Bunny. Many people forget the real meaning of this, the most joyous of all holidays. Take a moment to go and read about the true meaning of Easter. It's a refreshing change of pace from the secular world we live in now.

God bless.

(Edit: okay I have to say this. Whipping the Easter Bunny is DAMN funny. They should have had someone dressed up as Jesus doing it though. That would have been even more funny ~ Matt)

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Kerry-McCain 2004? 
Hmmm, what's this I read? That would be a verrrry interesting ticket indeed...

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I love my state! LOL! 
(via Matthew Yglesias)

Only in FUCKING GODAMN Virginia could you be charged with a CRIME AGAINST NATURE for getting your vagina licked by a man.

Virginia is for LOVERS!*

So now a woman can't have her genitals pierced OR licked.

What's next? Touched? Or how about seen?

Gynocologists will be out of jobs

*virginia is only for lovers who consist of one man lying atop one woman and engaging in missionary style sex